Have you ever noticed how tempting it can be to talk yourself out of pursuing your passion? There are many reasons why you must resist the urge to settle.
Listen close. Scoot your chair up, this is really important. Now lean in and get this critical point:
I settle and accept significantly less than I want because I don’t think I can get what I want.
So, why will humans put up with conditions they resent, or worse yet, hate? I’m glad you asked. I believe it boils down to choice. Did you make a mistake by staying in a corporate job instead of striking out on your own and becoming self-employed? When you spent all of that money on a vacation instead of saving it – mistake or memories? What do all of these questions have in common?
Do you see it? Do you see the pattern? What do they have in common? Each question is in the past. It DOESN’T MATTER – it’s done! You are living in the past with choices that can’t be undone. So now what?
Resist the urge to settle:
- Being miserable will cause me to make decisions that compound my misery
- When I settle, I move from passionate to tolerant
- I settle because I think that I don’t deserve anything better than what I’ve got
- I must be grateful regardless of my perceived state of blessing
- CHOOSE your attitude, choose joy, celebrate each moment
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The amazing art of my cousin Jeff: jeffslemons.com
Jeff’s painting of our Grandad
Jeff’s surreal painting of Grandad in his workshop
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Now, go lead like someone you would want to follow!
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