Few things are more important, or more difficult, for leaders than communicating clearly. With so much riding on being able to get your message across, it’s a common struggle for your message to be misunderstood, or missed entirely. Believe it or not, improvement is possible. In this episode, we are going to discuss five familiar communication challenges. Instead of trying to master all five at once, pick one to focus on. Which one will you commit to avoid?
Five Communication Challenges:
- the “I can’t hear you” challenge
- the “all rules, no relationship” challenge
- the “you don’t know me” challenge
- the “why don’t you call or write” challenge
- the “Listen Linda” challenge
You don’t have to master all of them, so choose one to focus on and avoid this week!
Resources mentioned in this episode: (well, it’s not really a resource, but it’s funny!)
Listen Linda YouTube video…because they need one more hit…
Great quotes from this episode:
“Good leaders know their vision and purpose. Great leaders also know and love their people.” – Jon Gordon
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – John C. Maxwell
“Rules without relationship lead to rebellion.” – Andy Stanley
Thanks for Listening!
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Now, go lead like someone you would want to follow!
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