Think about training for a moment. It sounds so parochial. But it’s critical to expanding our skill set. Are you willing to invest in your own education? If your employer stopped paying for your training, would you be willing to invest in yourself? Today, I’m going to talk about five things I learned at Influence & Impact, an event that was hosted by Mike Kim:
1) Clarity requires at least one critical change to my skill set
The reason for a change is in response to the key question “Who do I have to become to serve those I want to serve?”
2) Do the next right thing
There are many things you could do, but what’s the one thing you should do next? Remember, when you decide, you are putting to death, and killing off, all other options!
3) Influencers create sustainable, predictable solutions to big problems
Do you know the big problem you are trying to solve? Answering this question first is critical.
4) Who will miss out if you don’t fulfill your potential?
You can change the world you live in through the process of incorporating small changes.
5) Pain produces progress
Some of you are struggling with whether you can finish. Decide today that you will finish. Might be bad form, might not look anything like you wanted, but FINISH! You can do it! Take the pain and force it to serve you and get it done.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Mike Kim
Kary Oberbrunner
Bryan Paul Buckley EnergyEdge Podcast
Dr. Michael Hudson
Fantastic Summaries of the 2017 Influence and Impact event:
Rick Marion Facebook post
Rick Marion blog post
Val Brown blog post
Susie Miller blog post
Great quotes from this episode:
“Clarity comes through a marriage of meditation and movement.” – Mike Kim
“The area of your deepest wound is going to be the area of your greatest impact.” – Kary Oberbrunner
“The workout started before you hit the door. It started when you decided you were going to finish.” – Mark Slemons
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